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来源 : 吴诗佳     作者 : 学科办     时间 : 2024-12-06点击量13

主 题:Entrepreneurship Education (EE) for Rural Youth in a Digital Era - A Review

专 家:Vinayagum Chinapah 教授


地 点:杭州师范大学诚园6-306

主持人:许建美 教授


Vinayagum Chinapah is Professor (Emeritus), former Chair Holder, and former Director of the Institute of International Education (IIE), Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden during the period 2009-2017. Professor Chinapah served at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris as Director of the Joint UNESCO-UNICEF Inter-Agency Program for Monitoring the Quality of Education and Learning Achievement which covered some 80 countries world-wide during the period (1992-2006). He also served for one year as UNESCO Regional Educational Adviser for the Arab States, UNESCO Regional Office, Beirut, Lebanon (2007-2008) before returning to lead IIE-Stockholm University in January 2009. He has done research, training, capacity development, consultancies, and high-level educational policy advisory services for several UN agencies (UNESCO, UNICEF. UNDP, FAO); International agencies (The World Bank, OECD); bilateral agencies (SIDA, Finnish CIMO, NORAD, CIDA, Commonwealth Secretariat) and several national governments and institutions in some 145 countries world-wide over the past 50 years. As an academic in the field of International and Comparative Education since 1981, Professor Chinapah has supervised and co-supervised up to date more than 70 PhD students and some 600 MA students successfully and has authored, co-authored and edited an extensive number of scientific articles, books, book chapters, and reports. Professor Chinapah has been awarded last year (2023) MING YUAN Education Award for his pioneering works in the field of International and Comparative Education both in China and worldwide.

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