王翠翠 讲师
地 址:诚园5号楼
王翠翠,女,山东人,心理学博士,现金网-足球现金网 讲师。主要研究方向为:儿童英语阅读障碍的神经机制、脑卒中后失语症的神经调控治疗。科技创新2030—重大项目“中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究”——杭州师范大学站点分测验负责人和项目骨干,主持一项浙江省卫生厅项目和杭州市科技局引导项目。已经发表论文30余篇,发表的杂志包括Psychological Bulletin、Science Bulletin、Educational Psychology Review、Review of Educational Research、Neuropsychologia等国际权威期刊,其中一篇获得ESI全球高被引论文。
2019.1-2019.8,Western University, 联合培养博士
1. Wang, C. Summer School of Cognitive Neuroscience at University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. August, 2016.
2. Wang, C., Yang, Z., & Tao, S. Different brain responses to letter-sound integration for English reading at phoneme and syllable level among native Chinese speakers: Evidence from an event related potentials study. 2016 Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling. Seoul, Korean.
3. Wang, C., Yang, Z., & Tao, S. Different Brain Responses to Letter-Sound Integration for English Reading:The effects of language background and proficiency. 2017 Twenty-Fourth SSSR Annual Meeting. Halifax, Canada.
4. Wang, C., Yang, Z., & Tao, S. Brain Responses to Letter-Sound Integration for Reading in English as a second language: Attention matters. 2017 Learning and Plasticity (LaP) annual meeting. Lapland, Finland.
5. Wang, C., Nie, P., & Tao, S. Music training facilitated Chinese speakers’ brain response to English letter-sound integration. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping. Singapore
6. Wang, C., Nie, P., & Tao, S. Musical experiences help overcome the constraints from native language background on automatic brain responses in second language reading. 2019 Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science, Waterloo, Canada
(2)2023.01-2025.12 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目“基于精准定位的神经调控治疗对脑卒中后失语症的康复作用”,主持。
(3)2022.01-2024.12 杭州市医药卫生科技项目“经颅磁刺激对脑卒中后语言障碍的治疗作用”,主持。
1. 王翠翠,陶沙,& Marc Joanisse. 沉浸式学习经验对汉-英双语阅读者字母-语音整合的认知神经机制的作用, 第二十四届全国心理学大会, 2022年11月.
2. 王翠翠, 杜彬, 聂佩欣, 卢静, 李书婷, 陶沙, & Mari Tervaniemi. 英语和音乐训练对汉语母语儿童英语字母-语音自动化的影响, 第二十三届全国心理学大会, 2021年11月.
3. 王翠翠,聂佩欣, & 陶沙. Musical training improves neural processing of second language reading with enhanced top-down attentional modulation. 2018年认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室年会.2018年12月.
4. 王翠翠. 语言发展评估研讨会.2018年6月.
5. 王翠翠,聂佩欣,陶沙. 儿童语音、乐音辨别能力发展.中国心理学会发展心理专业委员会第十四届学术年会, 2017年11月.
6. 王翠翠,徐琴芳, & 陶沙. 学习障碍鉴别:干预应答模式有效性的元分析.中国心理学会发展心理专业委员会第十三届学术年会, 2015年7月.
1. Peng, P#., Zhang, Z#., Wang, W., Lee, K., Wang, T#., Wang, C#., Luo, J., & Lin, J. (2022). A Meta-Analytic Review of Cognition and Reading Difficulties: Individual Differences, Moderation, and Language Mediation Mechanisms. Psychological Bulletin, 148(3-4), 227-272.(领域顶刊,SCI一区,IF=31.548)
2. Wang, C., Flemming, K., Wang, Y., Putkinen, V., Tervaniemi, M., Lammert, J., ... & Joanisse, M. F. (2023). The effect of second language immersion and musical experiences on second language speech processing and general auditory processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 68, 101158.
3. Du, B*., Yang, Z*., Wang C*., Li, Y., & Tao, S. (2023). Short-term training helps second-language learners read like native readers: An ERP study. Brain and Language, 239, 105251.
4. Wang, C, Flemming, K., Cortiana, G., Putkinen, V., Lammert, J., Rafat, Y., ... & Joanisse, M. F. (2022). Chinese-English bilinguals are more sensitive to environmental sound perception than Spanish-English bilinguals through top-down cognitive mechanism. Biological Psychology, 108449.
5. Wang, C, Flemming, K., Yang, Z., Cortiana, G., Lammert, J., Rafat, Y., ... & Joanisse, M. F. (2022). Second Language Immersion Experience Could Help the Brain Response to Second Language Reading for Native Chinese Speakers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(12), 2311-2319.
6. Wang, C., Lu, X., & Wang, D. (2022). Personality and life satisfaction: a moderated mediation model of subjective health and ruraltourban migration experience. Current psychology, 1-10.
7. Wang, D., Wang, H., & Wang, C#. (2021). Substance Use and Subjective Health in Chinese Left-behind Adolescents in Rural Areas: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Reappraisal. Children and Youth Services Review.
8. Wang, C., Tao, S., Tao, Q., Tervaniemi, M., Li, F., & Xu, P. (2020). Musical experience may help the brain respond to second language reading. Neuropsychologia, 148, 107655.
9. Wang, C., Yang, Z., Cao, F., Liu, L., & Tao, S. (2019). Letter-sound integration in native Chinese speakers learning English: Brain fails in automatic responses but succeeds with more attention. Cognitive Neuroscience, 10(2), 100-116.
10. Wang, C., & Wang, D. (2019). Validity and reliability of Chinese version of 28-item Substance Use Risk Profile Scale in Chinese adolescents and young adults. Current Psychology, 1-9.
11. Peng, P., Wang, T., Wang, C., & Lin, X. (2019). A meta-analysis on the relation between fluid intelligence and reading/mathematics: Effects of tasks, age, and social economics status. Psychological Bulletin, 145(2), 189.
12. Peng, P., Wang, C., & Namkung, J. (2018). Understanding the cognition related to mathematics difficulties: A meta-analysis on the cognitive deficit profiles and the bottleneck theory. Review of Educational Research, 88(3), 434-476.
13. Peng, P., Barnes, M., Wang, C., Wang, W., Li, S., Swanson, H. L., ... & Tao, S. (2018). A meta-analysis on the relation between reading and working memory. Psychological Bulletin,144(1), 48.
14. 王翠翠, 徐琴芳,& 陶沙. (2016). 干预-应答模式鉴别学习障碍的有效性及其调节因素:20年研究的元分析.心理发展与教育, 32(6), 684-694.(发展心理学旗舰刊物)
15. Yang, Z., Wang, C., Feng, L., Li, S., & Tao, S. (2016). Unsuccessful letter–sound integration in English reading by native Chinese speakers: evidence from an event related potentials study. Science Bulletin, 61(24), 1855-1864.
16. Peng, P., Wang, C., Tao, S., & Sun, C. (2016). The Deficit Profiles of Chinese Children with Reading Difficulties: a Meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 1-52.