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王道阳《Sensation Seeking and Substance use in Chinese Adolescents: Longitudinal Trajectories and Prospective Within-person Associations》

来源 : 吴诗佳     作者 : 王道阳     时间 : 2023-03-17点击量297

Abstract:  Sensation seeking has been extensively demonstrated as a risk factor for substance use. Potential bidirectional associations between sensation seeking and substance use at the within-person level are incompletely understood. The present study examined longitudinal trajectories of sensation seeking and substance use and bidirectional longitudinal associations between sensation seeking and substance use in Chinese adolescents during a 3-year period over three time points. A total of 10,138 adolescents (59.8%) male; Mage = 16.77, SD = 0.83 at time (1) were surveyed. Sensation seeking and substance use frequency increased concomitantly over time. At the within-person level, sensation seeking and substance use were reciprocally predictable, and there were no evidence of sex difference in longitudinal associations. This study provides unique data concerning the relationship between sensation seeking and substance use in a sample of Chinese adolescents, and highlights the importance of identifying sensation seeking behaviors to prevent substance use. 

Keywords:Sensation seeking;Substance use;Chinese adolescents;Longitudinal trajectory;Within-person

Published Journal:  Journal of Youth and Adolescence(SSCI一区期刊,IF=6.099)

Published online:  25 February 2023

附件:Sensation Seeking and Substance use in Chinese Adolescents


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