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吕心雨、程素萍、贾建荣等 The dynamics of microsaccade amplitude reflect shifting of covert attention

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 学科办     时间 : 2022-06-22点击量377
Abstract: Attention flexibly shifts between spatial locations to accommodate task demands. The present study examined if the dynamics of attentional shifting are seen in microsaccades whose direction has been shown to accompany the shifts of covert attention. In a spatial cueing task, the cue predicted the target location on 100%, 75%, or 50% of the trials. The results revealed that microsaccade rate and amplitude were both reduced following cue onset and then rebounded. Both microsaccade rate and amplitude were biased towards the opposite direction of the cue and then returned to the cued direction. Importantly, the cue validity modulated the temporal profile of microsaccade amplitude but had little impact on the temporal profile of microsaccade rate. In line with this, the cueing effect measured with target response accuracy was correlated with the microsaccade amplitude only. These results indicate that the temporal dynamics of microsaccade amplitude reflect shifting of covert attention.
Keywords: Microsaccade rate;Microsaccade amplitude;Attentional shifting;Spatial attention

Published journal: Consciousness and Cognition,5 April 2022


吕心雨、程素萍、贾建荣等 The dynamics of microsaccade amplitude reflect shifting of covert attention

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