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来源 : 学科办     作者 : 学科办     时间 : 2022-05-20点击量358

Abstract:To help teachers better evaluate the level of risky play for pre-schoolers, the present study aimed to develop a Teacher Rating Scale of Risky Play (TRSRP) for 3-6 years Chinese Pre-schoolers.The scale was administered to a pre-schooler sample consisting of 1376 children (M age = 57.53months, SD = 10.38; 54.30% boys; 44.80% only child) recruited from Anji play kindergartens in Hangzhou, China. The psychometric properties of the instrument were examined. The reliability of scale was reported by calculating internal consistency. The construct validity of the scale was investigated by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The final 7-item measure was structured into two subscales: play with great heights and play with high speed. The results suggested that the TRSRP has acceptable internal consistency and construct validity and can be used as an effective tool to measure the level of risky play for 3-6 years pre-schoolers in China’s Anji play kindergartens.

Keywords: risky play; teacher rating scale; reliability and validity; pre-schoolers; Anji play

Published journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;3 March 2022


Development of Teacher Rating Scale of Risky Play for 3- to 6-Year-Old Pre-Schoolers in Anji Play Kindergartens of East China(1)

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