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赵立 《Academic dishonesty and its relations to peer cheating and culture: A meta-analysis of the perceived peer cheating effect》

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 学科办     时间 : 2022-05-20点击量274

Abstract: Academic cheating is a worldwide problem, which is exacerbated by perceived peer cheating. Thepresent review of the literature quantitatively examined this perceived peer cheating effect. Thismeta-analysis included studies reporting correlations between students’ own cheating and theirperception of cheating in peers. The sample consisted of 43 effect sizes (38 studies) based on atotal sample size of 24,181 demographically diverse participants from multiple countries (65%female) from papers published from 1941 to 2021. Results showed a perceived peer cheatingeffect of intermediate effect size (r = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.35 to 0.39), and that perceived peercheating is among one of the strongest factors known to be associated with students’ academiccheating. Moderator analyses using country level measures revealed this effect to be stronger incultures that are high in power distance, collectivism, long-term orientation, restraint, and low inuncertainty avoidance and religiosity. The present findings indicate that the behavior of peersplays an important role in students’ academic cheating, suggesting that effective strategies topromote academic integrity will need to consider peer influences as well as the culture in whichstudents are socialized.

Keywords: Academic dishonesty   Peer cheating   The perceived peer cheating effect    Meta-analysis    Culture      Collectivism    Individualism    Religiosity 

Published journal: Educational Research Review,June 2022


赵立Academic dishonesty and its relations to peer cheating and culture A metaanalysis of the perceived peer cheating effect

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