主 题:何谓儿童:儿童研究的核心议题及其发展历程
主讲人:丹尼尔·托马斯·库克 教授(美国罗格斯大学)
翻 译: 冷璐 副教授(暨南大学外国语现金网 )
与谈人:熊秉真 教授(国际哲学与人文科学理事会) 刘晓东 教授(华东师范大学教育学部)
主持人:高振宇 副教授(现金网-足球现金网 )
讲座平台:ZOOM会议,房间号 857 3376 5660
丹尼尔·托马斯·库克:美国罗格斯大学人文与科学现金网 儿童学系创立者及系主任、教授,美国芝加哥大学社会学博士,曾担任国际儿童学领域权威期刊《童年》(SSCI)的共同主编,主要致力于从社会学、传播学、经济学、文化学等角度研究儿童与童年,尤其感兴趣于探索儿童消费者文化的不同场域(如广告、食品、仪式、服饰和媒体等)中“儿童”与“市场”所扮演的角色及其相互之间的冲突。库克教授已出版大量有影响力的儿童学著作,包括《儿童与童年研究百科全书》(2020)、《童年的道德项目》(2020)、《重塑儿童学》(2019,与斯皮鲁和罗森共同主编)、《儿童与军事冲突》(2011,与瓦尔共同主编)、《童年的商品化》(2004)、《象征性的童年》(2002)等等。
Daniel Thomas Cook is Distinguished Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University—Camden, NJ, USA and a founding faculty of that program. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago and has worked in a number of fields including leisure studies, consumer studies, history and communications. Cook’s work focuses on moral configurations of childhood and vis-à-vis commercial and economic cultural fields. In particular, he explores the various ways in which tensions between “the child” and “the market” play themselves out in various sites of children’s consumer culture, such as advertising, food, rituals, clothing and media. He has published articles and book chapters spanning childhood theory, consumer society, motherhood, play, leisure and urban culture and photography. He is the author of The Commodification of Childhood (Duke, 2004) and The Moral Project of Childhood (NYU Press, 2020). Cook is also the editor or co-editor of a number of books and reference works, including: the 4-volume, 1.1 million word SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (2020); Reimagining Childhood Studies (2019, co-edited with Spyros Spyrou and Rachel Rosen); Children and Armed Conflict (Palgrave, 2011; co-edited with John Wall) and Symbolic Childhood (Peter Lang, 2002). Cook served as co-editor of Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research (Sage) 2008-2020.