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傅根跃《Young children form generalized attitudes based on a single encounter with an outgroup member》

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 傅根跃     时间 : 2021-12-28点击量223


The goal of the present research was to assess whether children’s first interaction with a single outgroup member can significantly impact their general attitudes toward the outgroup as a whole. In two preregistered studies,5-to6-year-old Chinese children(total N=147)encountered a Black adult from another country for the very first time, and they played a game together. General attitudes toward the outgroup were assessed using both implicit and explicit measures. In both studies, the interaction resulted in less negative explicit attitudes toward Black people,but more negative implicit attitudes.The results demonstrate for the first time that one encounter with a single outgroup member can impact children’s general attitudes toward that group,and that it can have differential effects on implicit and explicit attitudes.

Keywords: explicitracial attitude,implicitracial attitude,inperson interaction,intergroup contact,young children

Published journal:Developmental Science Accepted:11October2021


Young children form generalized attitudes based on a single encounter with an outgroup

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