


来源 : 韩怡斐     作者 : 韩怡斐     时间 : 2021-11-04点击量4995


     赵静 教授





赵静,女,河北唐山人,现为现金网-足球现金网 教授博士生导师。主要研究方向为儿童阅读发展和阅读障碍的认知神经基础、学习困难(特别是阅读困难)儿童的评估与干预,在PLOS Biology、Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience、Psychophysiology和Dyslexia等期刊发表论文20余篇(第一作者6篇和通讯作者8篇),已获得3项国家自然科学基金及1项浙江省自然科学基金的支持,担任《心理学报》、《心理科学进展》、《Dyslexia》、《Neuropsychologia》《Neuroscience Bulletin》和《Reading & Writing》等杂志的审稿人。已指导7名硕士研究生毕业(5位同学在硕士期间发表SSCI论文,通过申请CSC留学基金攻读博士学位),在读研究生5名。已担任两届特教本科班的班主任,曾获得杭州师范大学优秀班主任的荣誉,指导本科生获得国家级大学生创新创业项目和浙江省“新苗人才计划”项目等。


2002.9-2006.6,河北师范大学教育科学现金网 ,心理学,理学学士

2006.9-2012.6,中国科现金网 心理研究所,认知神经科学,理学博士


2012.7-2015.7 杭州师范大学

















(1) Wei Shen*, Jukka Hyönä, Youxi Wang, Meiling Hou, & Jing Zhao*. The role of tonal information during spoken-word recognition in Chinese: Evidence from a printed-word eye-tracking study. Memory & Cognition, 2020, 49(1), 181-192.

(2) Huidong Xue#, Zhiguo Wang, Yufei Tan, Hang Yang, Wanlu Fu, Licheng Xue, & Jing Zhao*. Resting-state EEG reveals global network deficiency in dyslexic children. Neuropsychologia, 2020, 138, 1-8.

(3) Jing Zhao, Urs Maurer, Sheng He, Xuchu Weng*. Development of neural specialization for print: Evidence for predictive coding in visual word recognition. PLoS Biology, 2019, 17(10).

(4) Licheng Xue#, Urs Maurer, Xuchu Weng, & Jing Zhao*. Familiarity with visual forms contributes to a left-lateralized and increased N170 response for Chinese characters. Neuropsychologia, 2019, 134, 1-8.

(5) Xiaoxian Zhang, Wanlu Fu, Licheng Xue, Jing Zhao*, & Zhiguo Wang. Children with Mathematical Learning Difficulties Are Sluggish in Disengaging Attention. 2019, 1-9.

(6) Wanlu Fu#, Jing Zhao*, Yun Ding, & Zhiguo Wang. Dyslexic children are sluggish in disengaging spatial attention. Dyslexia, 2019, 25(2), 158-172.

(7) Jing Zhao*, Hang Yang, Xuchu Weng, & Zhiguo Wang. Emergent attentional bias toward visual word forms in the environment: evidence from eye movements. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 1-7.

(8) Yufei Tan#, Xiuhong Tong, Wei Chen, Xuchu Weng, Sheng He, Jing Zhao* Vernier but not grating acuity contributes to early stage of visual word processing. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2018, 34(3), 517-526.

(9) Pei Zhao, Jing Zhao, Xuchu Weng, & Su Li*. Event-related potential evidence in Chinese children: Type of literacy training modulates neural orthographic sensitivity. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2018, 42(3), 311–320.

(10) Hang Yang#, Jing Zhao*, Carl Gaspar,*, Wei Chen, Yufei Tan, Xuchu Weng. Selectivity of N170 for visual words in the right hemisphere: Evidence from single-trial analysis. Psychophysiology, 2017, 548, 1128-1137.

(11) Yun Ding#, Jing Zhao*, Tao He, Yufei Tan, Lingshuang Zheng, & Zhiguo Wang. Selective Impairments in Covert Shifts of Attention in Chinese Dyslexic Children. Dyslexia, 2016, 22(4), 362-378.

(12) Pei Zhao, Su Li*, Jing Zhao, Carl Gaspar, & Xuchu Weng. * Training by visual identification and writing leads to different visual word expertise N170 effects in preliterate Chinese children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015, 15, 106-116.

(13) Jing Zhao, Kipp, Kerstin., Carl Gaspar, Urs Maurer, Xuchu Weng, Axel Mecklinger, & Su Li*. Fine neural tuning for orthographic properties of words emerges early in children reading alphabetic script. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014, 26, 2431-2442.

(14) Jing Zhao, Pei Zhao, Xuchu Weng, & Su Li*. Do preschool children learn to read words from environmental prints? PLOS one, 2014, 9, e85745.

(15) Jing Zhao, Su Li*, Si’en Lin, Xiaohua Cao, Sheng He, & Xuchu Weng*. The selectivity of N170 in the left hemisphere as an electrophysiological marker for expertise in reading Chinese. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2012, 28, 577-584.

(16) 赵静, 李甦*. 3-6岁儿童汉字字形认知的发展. 心理科学, 2014, 37, 357-362.

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