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沈 嫣《Entrepreneurial Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Firm Performance Exploring Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation》

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 沈 嫣     时间 : 2021-08-26点击量317

:Although the impact entrepreneurial learning on firm performance has attracted significant attention,a comprehensive understanding by integrating entrepreneurial orientation and individual self-efficacy remain poorly understood. We fil this void by integrating the above variables into a model and examine these relations. Findings from a sample of 411 nascent entrepreneurs support that entrepreneurial learning is positively related to firm performance, and this relationship is fully mediated by entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE).We also found entrepreneurial orientation strengthens the positive impact of entrepreneurial learning on ESE. The findings indicate that ESE must be in place to maximize the effect of entrepreneurial learning on performance, and entrepreneurial orientation is an important contingency in shaping entrepreneurial learning's impact on nascent entrepreneur's self-efficacy.

Keywords:entrepreneurial learning,entrepreneurial self-efficacy,entrepreneurial orientation, firm performance. formal organizational learning, intergenerational learning, social network learning

Published journal:Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI)first published 26 August 2021

附件:Entrepreneurial Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Firm Performance Exploring Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation

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