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武建芬《Mindfulness for Sustainable Internet Use in Chinese Junior Secondary School Students: A Dual-Path Mediation Model》

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 武建芬     时间 : 2021-04-21点击量326

Abstract: Mindfulness training can reduce Internet addiction and promote sustainable development, but the possible mediators of this impact have not been thoroughly explored. This study explored the mediating roles of self-control and maladaptive cognitions in the association between mindfulness and Internet addiction to fifill this gap. Altogether, 771 Chinese adolescents (M = 13.87 years, SD = 0.78 years) were surveyed about their mindfulness, self-control, maladaptive cognitions, and Internet addiction. The confifirmed model presented a good model fifit and revealed that (i) mindfulness, self-control, maladaptive cognitions, and Internet addiction were signifificantly correlated; (ii) mindfulness had indirect negative effects on Internet addiction, mediated by self-control; (iii) mindfulness had an indirect negative impact on Internet addiction, mediated by the path of self-control to maladaptive cognitions; and (iv) this dual-path mediation model might apply to male and female adolescents. The results of the present study suggest that both self-control and maladaptive cognitions are key factors in the association between mindfulness and Internet addiction.

Keywords: internet addiction; mindfulness; self-control; maladaptive cognitions; dual-path mediation model

Published journal: Sustainability (SSCI) First Published  21 April 2021


Mindfulness for Sustainable Internet Use in Chinese Junior Secondary School Students:A Dual-Path Mediation Model

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