

​No.394 我希望各国青年用欣赏、互鉴、共享的观点看待世界,推动不同文明交流互鉴、和谐共生,积极为构建人类命运共同体添砖献瓦。 I hope that young people of all countries could see the world with appreciation and in a spirit of sharing and mutual learning, promote exchanges and harmony ……

来源 : 学工办     作者 : 学工办     时间 : 2020-12-07点击量88

No.394 我希望各国青年用欣赏、互鉴、共享的观点看待世界,推动不同文明交流互鉴、和谐共生,积极为构建人类命运共同体添砖献瓦。 I hope that young people of all countries could see the world with appreciation and in a spirit of sharing and mutual learning, promote exchanges and harmony among different cultures, and contribute to the building of a community of shared future of mankind. ——习近平

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