韩柽炀 博士,副教授、硕导
组织机构:现金网 心理学系
韩柽炀(Han, Chengyang),男,心理学博士,副教授,现任心理学系副主任。博士毕业于英国格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow,综合排名世界前一百)。主持国家级科研项目、省级科研项目、省一流课程等。已在国际著名期刊发表学术论文20余篇,Google scholar(总引用量=553,截止2023/12)://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=B4ZGrONKx04C。个人英文页面(//chengyanghan.github.io/)
2014-2018,University of Glasgow,心理学,博士
2018,McMaster University,短期访问
获得英国University of Glasgow访学基金前往加拿大McMaster University开展声学研究(2200英镑,约2.2万元人民币)
获得会议旅费资助European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association
参与欧洲经济与社会协会(ESRC)项目:Do oral contraceptives alter women's mate preferences? (P.I.: Prof. Benedict Jones, 130万欧元)
(1) Han, C., Zhang, Y., Lei, X., Li, X., Morrison, E.R., & Wu, Y. (2020). Single dose testosterone administration increases men’s facial femininity preference in a Chinese population. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 115, 104630. (SCI, Q1, 5-Year IF = 5.7)
(2)Han, C., Li, X., Chen, X., Lei, X., Liao, C., Zhang, L., Li, B., Peng, X.,& Morrison, E. R. (2022). The autumn years: Age differences in preferences for sexually dimorphic faces. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(6), 2813-2821.(SSCI, Q1, 5-Year IF = 4.8, google scholar 引用量 = 3 (截止2022.11))
(3)Han, C., Watkins, C.D., Nan, Y., Ou, J., Lei, X., Li, X., & Wu, Y. (2021). Exogenous testosterone decreases men’s sensitivity to vocal cues of male dominance. Hormones and Behavior. 127, 104871. (SCI, Q1, 5-Year IF = 4.0)
(4)Han, C., Wang, H., Hahn, A.C., Fisher, C.I., Kandrik, M., Fasolt, V., Morrison, D.K., Lee, A.J., Holzleitner, I.J., Debruine, L.M., & Jones, B.C. (2018). Cultural differences in preferences for facial coloration. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39(2), 154-159. (SCI/SSCI, Q1, 5-Year IF = 3.3, google scholar 引用量 = 51)
(5)Han, C., Hahn, A.C., Fisher, C.I., Debruine, L.M., & Jones, B.C. (2016). Women's facial attractiveness is related to their body mass index but not their salivary cortisol. American Journal of Human Biology, 28(3), 352-355. (SSCI, Q1, 5-Year IF = 2.0, google scholar 引用量 = 24)
(6)Han, C., Kandrik, M., Hahn, A.C., Fisher, C.I., Feinberg, D.R., Holzleitner, I.J., Debruine, L.M., & Jones, B.C. (2017). Interrelationships among men’s threat potential, facial dominance, and vocal dominance. Evolutionary Psychology, 15(1), 1-4. (SSCI, Q2, 5-Year IF = 2.2, google scholar 引用量 = 29)
(7)Han, C., Lei, X., Yan, P., Li, X., & Morrison, E. R. (2021). Age differences in preferences for body physique. Personality and Individual Differences, 181, 111033. (SSCI, Q2, 5-Year IF = 4.3, google scholar 引用量 = 3 (截止2022.11))
(8)Han, C., Li, X., Wang, S., Hong, R., Ji, J., Chen, J., ... & Lei, X. (2023). The picky men: Men's preference for women's body differed among attractiveness, health, and fertility conditions. Personality and Individual Differences, 201, 111921. (SSCI, Q2, 5-Year IF = 4.3)
(9)Han, C., Wang, H., Fasolt, V., Hahn, A.C., Holzleitner, I.J., Lao, J., Debruine, L.M., Feinberg, D.R., & Jones, B.C. (2018). No clear evidence for correlations between handgrip strength and sexually dimorphic acoustic properties of voices. American Journal of Human Biology, 30(6), e23178. (SSCI, Q2, 5-Year IF = 1.8, google scholar 引用量 = 13)
(10) 魏燃(学生), 吴寅, 李红, 韩柽炀*(通讯作者). (2022). 性激素对人类择偶偏好的影响. 心理科学, 45(1), 8.
(11)Chen, S.#(学生), Han, C.#(共同一作), Wang, S., Liu, X., Wang, B., Wei, R.,& Lei, X. (2022). Hearing the physical condition -- the relationship between sexually dimorphic vocal traits and underlying physiology. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 983688 (SSCI, Q1, 5-Year IF =4.4)
(1) 第二十二届全国心理学学术会议,杭州,Oct 2019
(2) International Society for Human Ethology at Zadar, 克罗地亚. August 2019
(3) Human Behavior and Evolution Society at Amsterdam, 荷兰. July 2018
(4) Human Behavior and Evolution Society at Boise, 美国. May 2017
(5) International Society for Human Ethology at Boise, 美国. June 2017
(6) Human Behavior and Evolution Society at Vancouver, 加拿大. June 2016
(7) International Society for Human Ethology at Stirling, 英国. August 2016