

​No.373 只有热爱自己祖国,了解本族人民,为自己所属的民族而自豪的人,才能给世界文化带来民族的贡献。Only those who love their motherland, understand their own people, and are proud of their own nation, can they bring national contributions to world culture……

来源 : 学工办     作者 : 学工办     时间 : 2020-07-13点击量80

No.373 只有热爱自己祖国,了解本族人民,为自己所属的民族而自豪的人,才能给世界文化带来民族的贡献。Only those who love their motherland, understand their own people, and are proud of their own nation, can they bring national contributions to world culture.——Иван Сергеевич Тургенев

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