

No.370 所有人类做过、想过,获得过或存在过的东西,像以魔术保存法一样存在于书页之中。书是人们精选出来的财富。All the things that human beings have done, thought about, acquired or existed, exist in the pages like magic preservation. Books are the chosen wealth of people.——Thomas Carlyle

来源 : 学工办     作者 : 学工办     时间 : 2020-06-22点击量67

No.370 所有人类做过、想过,获得过或存在过的东西,像以魔术保存法一样存在于书页之中。书是人们精选出来的财富。All the things that human beings have done, thought about, acquired or existed, exist in the pages like magic preservation. Books are the chosen wealth of people.——Thomas Carlyle

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