永远不要企图掩饰自己知识上的缺陷,即使用最大胆的推测和假设去掩饰,这也是要不得的。Never attempt to cover up your own intellectual defects, that is, to use the boldest conjectures and assumptions to cover up, which is also a must.——Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
来源 : 学工办 作者 : 学工办 时间 : 2020-05-11点击量133
永远不要企图掩饰自己知识上的缺陷,即使用最大胆的推测和假设去掩饰,这也是要不得的。Never attempt to cover up your own intellectual defects, that is, to use the boldest conjectures and assumptions to cover up, which is also a must.——Ivan Petrovich Pavlov