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会议预告:第六届智慧学习环境国际会议将于2020年5月在杭州师范大学举办(ICSLE 2020 will be held in HZNU in May 13th-15th 2020)

来源 : 王晨     作者 : 杨俊锋     时间 : 2019-11-18点击量1395

智慧学习环境国际会议(ICSLE 2020)将于2020年5月13-15日在中国浙江省杭州师范大学举行。会议的主题是"智能学习环境",它旨在汇集研究人员、从业人员和决策者,对学习环境相关的问题进行讨论与优化,以促进创新型教学活动的开展。

智慧教育是目前国家教育信息化重点关注的领域,也是当前教育技术研究的热点领域,是教育发展过程中重要的一个方面。现金网 成立了“智慧学习研究中心”,目的就是推动技术与教育和学习的融合,促进教育的变革和人才培养质量的提升。此次智慧学习环境国际会议已经是第六届,前面几届在中国香港、罗马尼亚、突尼斯、中国北京和美国召开,汇聚了国际上智慧学习研究的专家,在国际上具有重要影响力。相信国际专家和学者的到来,对杭州师范大学教育学科的发展有重要的促进作用,对推进浙江省的智慧教育和国家教育信息化2.0的行动计划具有重要意义。

会议由美国德克萨斯大学信息现金网 院长Kinshuk教授、北京师范大学黄荣怀教授担任大会主席,邀请国内外知名学者参会,共同就“智慧学习环境”、人工智能教育等前沿、热点问题展开深入的交流与讨论。

                                              ICSLE 2020


International Conference on Smart Learning Environments

ICSLE 2020

May 13-15, 2020

Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Hosted by:

International Association of Smart Learning Environments &

Smart Learning Institute, Beijing Normal University, China

Organized by:


Hangzhou Normal University, China

with support of:


National Engineering Laboratory for Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology (CITlab), China

The International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2020) will be held in May 13-15, 2020 at the Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. The theme of the conference was "Intelligent Learning Environment". It aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss issues related to the optimization of learning environments to enhance learning. The focus is on the interplay of pedagogy, technology and their fusion towards the advancement of smart learning environments.

Intelligent education is the focus of the national educational informatization at present, is also the current hot area of education technology research, is an important aspect of the process of education development. The Institute of Education has established the “Smart Learning Research Center”, which aims to promote the integration of technology and education and learning, and to promote the reform of education and improve the quality of talent cultivation. The International Conference on the Intelligent Learning Environment has been held for the sixth time, and has been held in Hong Kong, Romania, Tunisia, Beijing, China and the United States, bringing together international experts in intellectual learning and research, with important international influence. It is believed that the arrival of international experts and scholars will play an important role in promoting the development of the educational discipline of Hangzhou Normal University, and is of great significance to the development of intellectual education in Zhejiang Province and the action plan of national education informatization 2.0.

The conference was chaired by Professor Kinshuk, Dean of the School of Information at the University of Texas, and Professor Huang Ronghuai of Beijing Normal University, and invited well-known scholars from domestic and abroad to participate in the conference to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions on cutting-edge and hot issues such as "smart learning environment" and artificial intelligence education.

Call for Papers

The International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2020) aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss issues related to the optimization of learning environments to enhance learning. The focus is on the interplay of pedagogy, technology and their fusion towards the advancement of smart learning environments.

Various components of this interplay include but are not limited to:

·    Pedagogy: learning paradigms, assessment paradigms, social factors, policy

·    Technology: emerging technologies, innovative uses of mature technologies, adoption, usability, standards, and emerging/new technological paradigms (open educational resources, cloud computing, etc.)

·    Fusion of pedagogy and technology: transformation of curriculum, transformation of teaching behavior, transformation of administration, best practices of infusion, piloting of new ideas


All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published under Springer’s Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series.

Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in Springer’s Smart Learning Environments journal.

Types of submissions

·    Experience Reports: Experience reports describe research-based technological implementation for education that worked well and is now recommended to others.

(a) Full-length Experience Reports (maximum 10 pages): Full-length Experience Reports may contain detailed descriptions of research behind the implementation, development, evaluation or other applications. Work reported in Full-length Experience Reports must be original.

(b) Short Experience Reports (maximum 6 pages): Short Experience Reports may contain brief reports of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research. Work reported in Short Experience Reports must be original.

·    Research Studies: Research Studies present a careful study, with an appropriate use of methodology (e.g., case study, qualitative methods, quasi-experimental, experimental) to support the investigation and stated results. The methodology does not need to be quantitative; it does, however, need to be appropriate to support the claims made by the author.

(a) Full-length Research Studies (maximum 10 pages): Full-length Research Studies may contain detailed description of the background research, details of methodology used, findings of the study, interpretation of the findings, and resulting recommendations for other researchers/practitioners. Work reported in Full-length Research Studies must be original.

(b) Short Research Studies (maximum 6 pages): Short Research Studies may focus on small-scale research experiments that may be extensions of author’s previously validated research. However, the work reported in Short Research Studies must be original.

·    Work-in-progress Papers (maximum 4 pages): Work-in-progress Papers contain original research frameworks, architectures and implementations, where initial results are available but full validation are not yet done. The originality of the work must be clearly visible.

·    Reflection Papers (maximum 4 pages): Reflection papers are expected to present an argument – with rationale and justification – for a different approach or perspective on solving a current educational problem through the use of emerging technology or through innovative use of existing technology. The work presented in the Reflection Papers must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.

·     Posters (maximum 4 pages): Posters are expected to briefly explain the idea of your research and argue its novelty. Posters are not intended to provide background research or details of a rigorous experimental study. They provide opportunity to sell your ideas to the audience. The work presented in the Posters must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.

·    Workshop proposals (maximum 6 pages): Workshops provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on hot topics in the scope of the conference. We particularly encourage workshops which devote time to hands-on activities by the attendees (which may include think-pair-share, group discussions, collaborative editing, programming etc.). Workshop organizers should use the ‘Workshop proposal details‘ below to submit their proposals. Workshop proposals will be evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and availability of appropriate facilities. Please note that workshop organizers will be responsible for setting up the workshop website, coordinating the review process and collecting the camera ready papers. Workshop papers should be maximum 6 pages long and the accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings volume. Please submit your Workshop proposal by email to tingwen.dodochang@gmail.com. For further information regarding the workshops, please contact the Workshop Chairs at vivek@athabascau.ca or tingwen.dodochang@gmail.com (Subject: ICSLE 2020 Workshop Proposal).

Workshop proposal details: A 6-page workshop proposal is to be submitted for the review process. Proposals should contain the following information:


          1. Workshop title

          2. Names, affiliations, and a short bio of the organizers

          3. What are the objectives of the workshop?

          4. Who is the intended audience for the workshop?

          5. What will be the take-away from the workshop for participants?

          6. What is the motivation and rationale for including the workshop in ICSLE?

              How will it address the overall themes of the conference?

          7. What is the format of the workshop? 

              Since the workshop should encourage interaction among participants,

              please specifically include what types of hands-on activities or interactive 

              strategies will be used during the workshop.

          8. What is the prior experience of proposers relevant to the workshop?

              Have the proposers conducted similar workshops before?

          9. What equipment is required?

         10.What is the estimated number of participants?

      A draft of the workshop’s call for papers should be added as well (including interest        topics, important dates, workshop website’s URL, preliminary workshop program          committee members with their affiliation, description of the paper reviewing and            selection process).

·    Panel proposals: Panels provide participants with the opportunity to meet intelligent minds to discuss important research issues and/or experiences on the topics in the scope of the conference. We particularly encourage panels which share and discuss ideas, thoughts, experiences and lessons that panelists have had as well as devote enough time for participants to talk about their experiences, concerns, and obstacles and the panelists help to solve and make suggestions for them. Panel proposals will be evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, benefits that audience can have, and availability of appropriate facilities. Panel papers should be 4-5 pages long and the accepted panel papers will be published in the main conference proceedings volume. Please submit your Workshop proposal by email to tingwen.dodochang@gmail.com. For further information regarding the panel, please contact the Panel Chairs at tingwen.dodochang@gmail.com (Subject: ICSLE 2020 Panel Proposal).

Panel proposal details: A 6-page workshop proposal is to be submitted for the review process. Proposals should contain the following information:

     Panel title

          1.  Panel goal

          2.  Target audience

          3.  The benefits that audience may have

          4.  The connections to the ICSLE conference

          5.  Panel chair and his/her short bio and 1-page CV

          6.  Panelists and their short bio and CV (maximum one page per panelist)

          7.  Proposed agenda of the panel and the detailed time slots for each item

     in the agenda

Author Guidelines

Initial Paper Submission

Authors are required to

FIRST create a submission entry with ABSTRACT at EasyChair (//easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsle2020) by JANUARY 10, 2020;

THEN follow the Springer Formatting Guidelines and use this Sample Paper as a template (Word format only) and upload the paper file by JANUARY 17, 2020 via updating their submission entry on EasyChair.

Submitted papers will be subject to a peer review process. Complete papers will be required for the review process, abstracts alone will not be sufficient.

Note: The conference employs a double-blind review process, hence authors’ names and affiliations should NOT be present within the manuscript. Authors should include their names only in the appropriate fields in the paper submission form on Easychair.

Authors’ information should be included ONLY in the camera-ready version of the manuscript and NOT in the initial version. However, during the preparation of the initial manuscript, authors’ should leave a number of empty lines at the beginning of the manuscript, so as to include authors’ information during the camera-ready manuscript submission.

Presentation Guidelines

·    Presentation time for full papers will be 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.

·    Presentation time for short papers will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.

·    The poster session will be divided into two parts: the first part is a panel, in which      each presenter has 5 minutes to briefly explain their work, and the second part is a      regular poster exhibition. Please note that the poster boards are 130 cm high and        120 cm wide, so please prepare your posters accordingly (e.g. A0 size).

·    Conference rooms will be equipped with laptops and video projectors.

·    Please bring your presentation on a USB stick.

Conference Outcomes

·    Proceedings in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series.

·    Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for Springer’s Smart Learning Environments journal (Open access journal with no author processing charge).

Important Dates

·    Main conference paper ABSTRACT enter on EasyChair: January 10, 2020

·    Main conference paper submission: January 17, 2020

·    Workshop/Panel proposal submission: January 17, 2020

·    Acceptance/Rejection notification: March 1, 2020

·    Camera ready papers: March 15, 2020

·    Author registration: March 15, 2020

·    Conference dates: May 13 to May 15, 2020



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