

改革开放铸就的伟大改革开放精神,极大丰富了民族精神内涵,成为当代中国人民最鲜明的精神标识!The great spirit of reform and opening-up, which is born out of our 40-year-long endeavors, has significantly enriched our national character and become the most prominent hallmark of the Chinese people in modern days.

来源 : 齐姗     作者 : 齐姗     时间 : 2019-10-15点击量77

改革开放铸就的伟大改革开放精神,极大丰富了民族精神内涵,成为当代中国人民最鲜明的精神标识!The great spirit of reform and opening-up, which is born out of our 40-year-long endeavors, has significantly enriched our national character and become the most prominent hallmark of the Chinese people in modern days.

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