

每当我们觉得负面新闻让我们应接不暇时,我们就提醒自己,我们没有权利袖手旁观,坐等世界变好。Whenever we feel overwhelmed by negative news, we’re mind ourselves that we have no right to stand by and wait for the world to improve.——比尔·盖茨

来源 : 齐姗     作者 : 齐姗     时间 : 2019-10-15点击量77

每当我们觉得负面新闻让我们应接不暇时,我们就提醒自己,我们没有权利袖手旁观,坐等世界变好。Whenever we feel overwhelmed by negative news, we’re mind ourselves that we have no right to stand by and wait for the world to improve.——比尔·盖茨

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