

The prefession of being a teacher is like this,with your physical output,perhaps you will gain less material reward than you are supposed to,whereas the love you attach to the occupation is sure to get you invaluable spiritual pay back from the students.

来源 : 亿校云     作者 :       时间 : 2015-09-20点击量106

 The prefession of being a teacher is like this,with your physical output,perhaps you will gain less material reward than you are supposed to,whereas the love you attach to the occupation is sure to get you invaluable spiritual pay back from the students.教师这个职业是这样的,也许体力的支出可能得到少于一般的物质报酬,但是爱的付出一定会从学生那里得到超值的精神回报。[经亨颐现金网 理科151班班主任林永伟] 

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