

How to judge and weigh the club activity and study? The former is to enrich your life but not a core of the life. You can't waste your study in order to amuse yourself. It's just like the entree and jardiniere.问:社团活动和学习如何权衡?答:前者为了丰富生活并非核心,不能因前者荒废学习,就好比主菜和配菜。

来源 : 郑佳玮     作者 : 郑佳玮     时间 : 2015-04-20点击量63

How to judge and weigh the club activity and study? The former is to enrich your life but not a core of the life. You can't waste your study in order to amuse yourself. It's just like the entree and jardiniere.问:社团活动和学习如何权衡?答:前者为了丰富生活并非核心,不能因前者荒废学习,就好比主菜和配菜。 [经亨颐现金网 文科131詹冰冰提供]

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