Q:How to master English vocabulary?A:If you only recite them. few days later,you will forget them. But if you use them in your talking and writing,it will belong to you in future.问:如何掌握英语单词?答:如果你只是背诵,假以时日终会遗忘,但如果你经常在你的谈天和写作中运用,他们终有一天会属于你。
来源 : 郑佳玮 作者 : 郑佳玮 时间 : 2015-03-23点击量52
Q:How to master English vocabulary?A:If you only recite them. few days later,you will forget them. But if you use them in your talking and writing,it will belong to you in future.问:如何掌握英语单词?答:如果你只是背诵,假以时日终会遗忘,但如果你经常在你的谈天和写作中运用,他们终有一天会属于你。