

Q: Why am I so careless that I lose masses of chances?A: You are not losing but relinquishing them. There are no excuses for failure; you’d better find grounds for success.问:为什么我总是这么粗心大意,错失大把良机? 答:你不是错失而是作罢。莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。

来源 : 郑佳玮     作者 : 郑佳玮     时间 : 2015-02-16点击量76

 Q: Why am I so careless that I lose masses of chances?A: You are not losing but relinquishing them. There are no excuses for failure; you’d better find grounds for success.问:为什么我总是这么粗心大意,错失大把良机? 答:你不是错失而是作罢。莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。

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