
About us

About us

About us

来源 : Lincoln     作者 : Lincoln     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量128

The International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) Chair Collaboration Office was established under the joint authorization of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences and Hangzhou Normal University(HZNU). It aims to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between Hangzhou Normal University and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences and its global partners, to jointly promote the "New Humanities” with the characteristic of interdisciplinary child studies (including education, psychology, history, foreign language literature, art, etc.) , and therefore develop HZNU into a leading research center for humanistic studies both nationally and internationally.


The office is permanently set up in the School of Education in HZNU, and jointly managed by the School of Education and the CIPSH. The office is generally directed by Professor Hsiung Ping-chen, a distinguished professor of the School of Education in HZNU, the CIPSH Chair of New Humanities in the University of California, Irvine. 


The School of Education appoints Dr. Gao Zhen-yu as the executive sectary to assist Professor Hsiung for managing routine matters ,communicating with CIPSH and its global partner universities, and also participating in the academic researches together. The office also has one staff for handling university-related administrative work and the organization of seminars, meetings and conferences. Hangzhou Normal University has built a cross-school research team for the office to apply and implement local, national and international humanistic projects.


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