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The 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education and Technology Session 4 Was Successfully Held

来源 : Dianshuang Xiong     作者 : Yu Yang; Xinyue Zhang ;Zhiming Liu     时间 : 2021-04-27点击量46

The 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education

and Technology Was Successfully Held


School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University (HZNU)

Tencent Society Research Center

CIPSH Chair Collaborative Office in Hangzhou Normal University

Collaborative Organizations

Special Committee of Basic Theory for Early Childhood Education

China National Society of Early Childhood Education

Journal of Early Childhood Education, Renmin University

Session 42021/04/24, Afternoon (HK & Europe Session)


Offline Photo


Online photo

On the afternoon of April 24, 2021, the fourth session of the 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education and Technology HK & Europe Session was successfully held at Hangzhou Urban Research Studies Center 109 of Cangqian Campus of Hangzhou Normal University. The opening session was started by Professor Luiz Oosterbeek, CIPSH, and Professor Ping-chen Hsiung, the CIPSH Chair Professor of New Humanities. It was presided over by professor Jianmei Xu, Executive Dean, School of Education, HZNU with 40 experts and scholars from home and abroad participating.


Prof.  Jianmei Xu 

Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek, Special Address from CIPSH President, presented " Learning to be Human ", with Professor Ping-chen Hsiung as moderator. He broadened research ideas by suggesting the need to strengthen children's education in the context of contemporary global integration and the era of the pandemic.


Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek

Prof. Ping-chen Hsiung presented "Habitat of Reading and Digital Literature" with Prof. Desmond Hui as moderator. He elaborated on the relationship between the Internet and people's emotions in the context of the fast growing digital literature in contemporary China. He called for respectful attentions paid to the cognitive significance of internet devices as new venues of learning, for better or for worse.


Prof. Ping-chen Hsiung

Desmond Hui

Prof. Desmond Hui 

Cheng Wu, vice President of Tencent & CEO of China Literature and Tencent Pictures & Chairman of Tencent Animation, gave a lecture on "Network Literacy of Teenagers in Digital Era: the Practice of Tencent". The lecture was moderated by Prof. Mu-chou Poo. He proposed that Internet literacy and scientific literacy are crucial to the survival of the next generation of children in the context of the current era. He introduced a series of efforts made by Tencent to improve children's Internet literacy, offering suggestions for the healthy growth of children in the digital age.

Prof.Mu-chou Poo from the Chinese University of Hong Kong presented " Glimpses of Childhood in the Ancient World: Egypt, Greece and Rome" which was moderated by Prof. Leonard J. Waks. He showed the ancient view of childhood by examining paintings, statues, and texts about children in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and ancient Rome, and made further demands for how to treat children at present.


Prof.Mu-chou Poo

Prof. Zongkui Zhou from Dean, Graduate School of Central China Normal University presented "Network Literacy Education Program for Chinese Teenagers in the Digital Age", with Associate Prof.Zhenyu Gao as the moderator. Given that the digital age offers new opportunities and challenges for teenagers, Central China Normal University, together with Tencent DN.A (Digital Natives Action), worked together with primary and secondary school experienced teachers based on the preferences of Chinese child and adolescent Internet users and students' core literacy, combining with the Global Digital Quotient Framework, to develop an experimental curriculum of digital literacy education for children and adolescents. Prof. Zhou Zongkui introduced the curriculum framework and detailed teaching design.


Prof. Zongkui Zhou

Prof. Leonard J. Waks from Temple University presented "A Philosophy for Teachers Program Based On Philosophy for Children". He proposed a more practical approach to philosophy for teachers, based on insights from philosophy for children and introduced the audience to the concrete steps of the new teacher philosophy teaching method. The lecture was moderated by Associate Prof. Zoltan Somhegyi Associate Prof. Zoltan Somhegyi from Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest gave a lecture on Contemporary Art and Children: Possibilities and Challenges of the Education of Visual Art Appreciation ". The lecture was moderated by Associate Prof. Dongshu Ou. Associate Professor Zoltan Somhigi addressed the issue of how to teach art courses, proposed to provide guided tours specifically for children to conduct art appreciation education during exhibition halls and art exhibitions, and provided an introduction to the feasibility of this educational approach, offering ideas for the development of art education for children.


Prof. Leonard J. Waks


Prof. Leonard J. Waks


Prof. Dongshu Ou

At the closing ceremony, Prof. Ping-chen Hsiung summarized the conference and thanked all the participants and staffs. The 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education and Technology came to a successful end with the audience's uninterrupted discussion.

Writer: Yu Yang; Xinyue Zhang

Translator: Zhiming Liu

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