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The 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education and Technology Seesion 3 Was Successfully Held

来源 : 熊甸双     作者 : 熊甸双     时间 : 2021-04-27点击量3

The 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education

and Technology Was Successfully Held


School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University (HZNU)

Tencent Society Research Center

CIPSH Chair Collaborative Office in Hangzhou Normal University

Collaborative Organizations

Special Committee of Basic Theory for Early Childhood Education

China National Society of Early Childhood Education

Journal of Early Childhood Education, Renmin University

Session 32021/04/24, Morning (Mainland China Session-II)

On the morning of April 24, 2021, the third session of the 2021 International Conference on Childhood, Education and Technology Mainland China Session-II was successfully held at Hangzhou Urban Research Studies Center 109 of Cangqian Campus of Hangzhou Normal University. The opening session was started by professor Ping-chen Hsiung, the CIPSH Chair Professor of New Humanities and distinguished Professor of the School of Education in Hangzhou Normal University. It was presided over by Zhenyu Gao, associate professor of the School of Education with 40 experts and scholars from home and abroad participating.


Prof. Minxi Zheng from Fujian Normal University presented "How to Become a Learner: Thinking through the Metaphors of Landscape and Scenery with Hills and Waters", with doctor Yanlu Yang as moderator. Professor Zheng Minxi cited Maxine Greene 's book "Landscapes of Learning" to put forward the definition of learner. Combined with Julian's phenomenological interpretation of Chinese landscape (Shan-Shui) and based on the metaphor of landscape, she launched a detailed discussion on three aspects, namely, the release of attachment to landscape, the presentation of landscape as a "landscape" of bipolar relationship, and the poetic expression of scenery meeting mind. The discussion deepens Green's understanding of learning and inspires audiences to experience the landscape of learning from a more diverse perspective.


Prof. Minxi Zheng 

Associate Prof. Suhua Zheng from Zhejiang Normal University presented " Where to Learn: Thinking through Children Geography" with Associate Prof. Tingwei Rong as moderator. He explored its meaning, how it is valued, and how it relates to other aspects are complicated by different geographic locations through the lens of children's geography, revealing the importance of geography in shaping reality, labor and learning experience, as well as economic policies, politics, social structure, institutions, and traditions. The series of ideas and insights presented in it helped us to think about the place, space, time and ideology of learning in new ways, as well as the ability of children to reconstruct these ideas and ideologies.


Associate Prof. Suhua Zheng

Associate Prof. Tingwei Rong from Hangzhou Normal University gave a lecture on "Foucault's Theory of Technologies of the Self". The lecture was moderated by Associate Prof. Suhua Zheng. Taking Foucault's idea of the subject of technological production as a logical foundation, he discussed governance technology and self-cultivation technology and focused on three dimensions: the attitude of self-cultivation, the practice of self-cultivation and formation of the self-cultivation subject's art of survival. Foucault's self-cultivation technical thoughts allowed audiences to reconfirm the practical value and theoretical implications of ethical cognition and relative autonomy.


Associate Prof. Tingwei Rong

Associate Prof. Youyuan Wang from Shanghai Normal University gave a talk which title is an interesting question "Who are Ideal Children? The Changes of Perceptions on Ideal Children". The lecture was moderated by Associate Prof. Shu-Mei Liu. The perception of ideal children focused on the perception of the good child, and the study reflected the changes of the conception of childhood, which can also reflect the shaping of different times, social structure and culture.


Associate Prof. Youyuan Wang

Associate Prof. Shu-Mei Liu from Hangzhou Normal University gave a lecture on " An experimental study on parents' participation in the use of children's", with Associate Professor Tingwei Rong as the moderator. She revealed the correlation between children's electronic device usage and myopia rate, presented the seriousness of children's myopia problem and discussed the complications that high myopia will bring, and called on parents to strengthen their role in guiding children to regulate eye use.


Associate Prof. Shu-Mei Liu

Dr. Yang Yanlu from Zhejiang Normal University presented "Philosophy for Children as Intercultural Philosophy: A Perspective of African Philosophy", exploring whether there was philosophy for children from the new perspective of whether there was philosophy in Africa, with Associate Professor Minxi Zheng as the moderator. The form of African philosophy was different from the Eastern and Western philosophies, and the philosophy of children also had the original form of representation similar to the African philosophy, one of which was oral, and the other was contextual and living. This cross-cultural philosophical communication provided a new direction for audiences to re-examine the relationship between adult thinking and children's thinking. Philosophy for Children was to deal with the problem of "intermediation", to answer the question of how adults seek practical wisdom in the tension of thinking with children.

During the discussion session, the experts discussed with each other, pushing the lecture to a new climax. After the lecture, Associate Professor Zhenyu Gao summarized and presided over the discussion in this sub-forum, and Jianmei Xu, t Deputy Dean, School of Education, HZNU, delivered a speech.


Dr. Yang Yanlu 

It is reported that Prof. Ping-chen Hsiung, CIPSH and ANHN, and Prof. Mu-chou Poo from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and other Chinese scholars would would give lectures at the fourth forum on "HK&Europe Session" to be held this afternoon. The related lectures will also be presented simultaneously on B-site (room number: 22984697).

Writer: Lin Zhang ;Dianshuang Xiong; Xinyue Zhang

Translator: Zhiming Liu

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