


Gao Zhenyu

来源 : 熊甸双     作者 : 熊甸双     时间 : 2021-03-05点击量132


杭州师范大学现金网 副教授、儿童哲学研究中心主任、中国学前教育研究会基本理论专委会副秘书长、亚太儿童与青少年哲学协会执行委员、《新儿童研究》执行副主编、华东师范大学和加拿大阿尔伯塔大学联合培养博士,长期从事儿童哲学在中国本土的理论与实践研究,已出版《儿童哲学论》、《儿童史学论:中国近代儿童的学校生活研究》、《儿童哲学导论》、《考察探究与设计制作:理念与操作策略》等专著。

 Gao Zhenyu is an associate professor of Hangzhou Normal University, director of the Center of Philosophy for Children, the executive committee member of Philosophy for Children and Youth Network for Asia and the Pacific (PCYNAP), executive deputy editor-in-chief of the New Journal of Child Studies, visiting scholar of the University of Alberta. Prof. Gao has been leading the movement of Philosophy for Children in mainland China both theoretically and practically, he has published the Introduction to Philosophy for Children (2019), The Introduction to the History of Children : Childrens School Lives in Early Modern China (1902-1949) (2017), On Philosophy for Children (2011), Project-based Learning and Design-based Learning: Theories into Practices (2020). He also edited series of translated books on Philosophy for Children published by Guangxi Normal University Press.

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