


Hsiung Ping-chen

来源 : 熊甸双     作者 : 熊甸双     时间 : 2021-03-05点击量149


国际哲学与人文科学理事会新人文秘书长(加州大学尔湾分校)、亚洲新人文联网发起人及现任主席、国际人文中心及研究机构联合会董事、杭州师范大学现金网 特聘教授、香港中文大学历史学讲席教授,香港恒生大学杰出驻校教授及全球人文启动项目主任,联合国教科文组织人文讲座咨询委员,厦门大学讲座教授。熊秉真教授在儿童史学研究方面造诣深厚,已经出版《童年忆往:中国孩子的历史》《幼幼:传统中国的襁褓之道》《安恙:近世中国儿童的疾病与健康》《慈航:晚清时期的儿童与童年》(英文)《中国文化史中的专业知识》(英文)等代表性著作。

Hsiung Ping-chen is the Secretary General of International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) (since 2020), CIPSH Chair in New Humanities of University of California at Irvine (since 2019), Director of Taiwan Research Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (since 2016.8), Founder and President of Asian New Humanities Net (ANHN) (Since 2004) . board Member of Toynbee Prize Foundation (since 2018). She holds a B.A. in History from Taiwan University, an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Brown University, and an S.M. in Population Studies and International Health from the School of Public Health at Harvard University.

Research Interests:

Women’ s Studies and Children’s Health; Gender and Family Relations; Intellectual and Social History of Early Modern/Modern China and Europe.


Paediatrics and Early Education: A History of Reproductive Strategies of Chinese Society (Chinese; Taipei: Linking, 2018)

A Tender Voyage: Children and Childhood in Late Imperial China (English; Stanford University Press: 2005)

Childhood in the Past: A History of Chinese Children (Chinese; Taipei: Rye-Field Publishing, 2000.

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