


Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi

来源 : 熊甸双     作者 : 熊甸双     时间 : 2021-03-04点击量114


Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi is a Hungarian art historian with a PhD in aesthetics, and is Associate Professor of art history at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Previously he was based in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates and was working as Chair of the Department of Fine Arts of the College of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Sharjah. As a researcher, he is specialised in eighteenth-nineteenth century art and theory, and besides that his other fields of interest are contemporary fine arts and art criticism. He is the author of books, artist catalogues, and more than two hundred articles, critiques, essays and art fair reviews. He is the Secretary General and Website Editor of the International Association for Aesthetics, member of the Executive Committee of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, Consultant of Art Market Budapest: International Contemporary Art Fair and Editor-in Chief of HAS – Humanities, Arts & Society Magazinewww.zoltansomhegyi.com

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