程 武
腾讯集团 副总裁
阅文集团 首席执行官
腾讯影业 首席执行官
腾讯动漫 董事长
CHENG Wu (Edward Cheng)
Vice President of Tencent
Chief Executive Officer of China Literature Limited
Chief Executive Officer of Tencent Pictures
Chairman of Tencent Animation and Comics
程武先生于2009年加盟腾讯,现任腾讯集团副总裁、阅文集团首席执行官和腾讯影业首席执行官,同时,全面负责腾讯集团市场公关和各BG公关工作,以及腾讯互动娱乐事业群市场体系工作。2011年,程武先生在业界首倡以IP为核心的“泛娱乐战略”,并推动了腾讯在游戏业务基础上,先后开启了动漫、网络文学、影视和电竞等业务板块,从而构建起腾讯的泛娱乐业务矩阵,并在各自业务领域持续保持行业领先。2013年9月,程武先生推动成立了腾讯文学;2015年,腾讯文学与盛大文学整合成立阅文集团后,他担任董事;并于2020年4月出任阅文集团首席执行官。2015年9月,腾讯影业成立,程武先生担任腾讯影业首席执行官。2018年4月,程武先生在“泛娱乐战略”基础上,进一步提出“新文创”的全新战略构思,致力于通过更广泛的主体连接,推动文化价值和产业价值的互相赋能,共同打造中国文化符号。目前,基于腾讯的“科技+文化”定位,“新文创”已经成为腾讯在文化维度的核心战略,并被新华社瞭望智库纳入“新时代中国互联网六大趋势”之一。2019年12月,国际电子竞技联合会(Global Esports Federation,简称GEF)成立,腾讯成为GEF全球首席创始合作伙伴,程武先生担任GEF副主席。程武先生毕业于清华大学物理系并获得理学学士学位,同时拥有美国华盛顿大学奥林商现金网 的高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。程武先生曾任清华大学艺术团话剧队的业务队长,他相信科学和艺术的完美结合可以为社会创造最优秀的价值。
Edward Cheng, joined Tencent in 2009, is the Vice President of Tencent, the Chief Executive Officer of China Literature Limited and Tencent Pictures. At the same time, he is responsible for the marketing and public relations for the Tencent Group and various business groups. He is also in charge of the marketing departments of Tencent Interactive Entertainment Group. In 2011, Mr. Cheng initiated the “Pan-Entertainment Strategy” (Internet enabled trans-media strategy) in the industry. Due to his visionary leadership, Tencent has gradually been able to launch its business of comics, literature, film & television, and e-sports, which, together with online games, have formed a more solid portfolio of the “Pan-Entertainment” businesses, thus leading the industry in their respective areas of business currently. In September 2013, Mr. Cheng promoted the establishment of Tencent Literature. After Tencent completed the merger and acquisition of Cloudary Corporation and established China Literature Limited in 2015, Mr. Cheng served as a director of China Literature Limited. In April 2020, he was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of China Literature Limited. In September 2015, Tencent Pictures was founded, and Mr. Cheng was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer.
In April 2018, Mr. Cheng further put forward the new strategic idea of “Neo-Culture Creativity” on the basis of the “Pan-Entertainment” strategy, which is devoted to promoting the mutual empowerment of cultural value and industry value through a broader connection, to create more Chinese cultural symbols. Based on Tencent's “an internet-based technology and cultural enterprise” positioning, “Neo-Culture Creativity” has become Tencent's core strategy in the cultural dimension and has been included in the six key trends of China's internet listed by the Liaowang Institute of Xinhua News Agency.
In December 2019, the Global Esports Federation (GEF) was established. Tencent has become the GEF’s founding global partner, and Mr. Cheng is serving as GEF’s Vice President. Mr. Cheng graduated from Tsinghua University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics. He also gained an EMBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University. As a former team leader of the Drama Group of the Tsinghua University Arts Troupe, he believes that a perfect integration of science and art can create the best value.