
Seminars and Conferences

Conference Report of the 2020 Online International Conference on Child Studies

来源 : 现金网      作者 : 现金网      时间 : 2020-07-31点击量37

Conference Report of the 2020 Online International Conference on

Child Studies

More than 2000 participants from 7 countries attended the 2020 Online International Conference on Child Studies, which took place from 18 to 19 June 2020 on Zoom. Under the general theme ‘Childhood and Civilization: Observations on Early Initiations’, two sub-conferences were held, including the Chinese National Conference on Child Studies, which is jointly hosted by the School of Education of Hangzhou Normal University and the Chair Collaborative Office of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanities (CIPSH) in Hangzhou Normal University, and the International Conference on Child Studies, which is jointly hosted by CIPSH and the Asian New Humanities network (ANHN). The two sub-conferences had a wonderful dialogue during the conferences. 24 invited speakers from 8 countries and regions have made profound reflections from the perspectives of pedagogy, philosophy, history, archaeology, sociology, literature, anthropology and other disciplines around the theme of "childhood and civilization". The event demonstrated the significance of the rich and complex relationships between children and early Civilization.




The subsequent conference reports will provide an overview of the various sessions of the National Conference on Child Studies and the International Conference on Child Studies respectively.

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