
The Journal of New Child Studies

The Journal of New Child Studies

来源 : 亿校云     作者 : 亿校云     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量36



Aims and Scope:

  The Journal of New Childhood Studies publishes articles representing a wide variety of researches on children and childhood from humanities and social sciences. They vary from examination of fundamental theoretical issues in their connection with child education, child history, philosophy for/with children, the new sociology of childhood, archaeology of childhood, child literature, child psychology and so on, to detailed critical engagement with current child-related practice or policies from different points of views. The Journal aims to promote rigorous thinking on matters about children and to identify and criticize the multiple social-cultural forces shaping childhood. It also attempts to promote the formation of professional community of childhood studies not only in China but all over the world, discover the natural resources and strengths among children, and therefore improve the general status of children in global societies and cultures.

Editorial Board:

        Fang Mingsheng, Sanda University, China

Fang Weiping, Zhejiang Normal University, China

Gao Zhenyu, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Guo Faqi, Beijing Normal University, China

Hsiung Pingchen, University of California, U.S.A

Jessica Wang, National Chiayi University, Taiwan (China)

Jin Shenghong, Zhejiang Normal University, China

Leonard J. Waks, Temple University, U.S.A

Liu Xiaodong, East China Normal University, China

Liu Xin, Sichuan University, China

                 Ni Mingxiang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (China)

                 Pan Xiaohui, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (China)

                Yan Conggen, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Yu Wei, Northeast Normal University, China

Zang Yufeng, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Zhang Binxian, Beijing Normal University, China

Zhang Hua, Hangzhou Normal University, China

                 Zhu Ziqiang, Ocean University of China, China


Director of editorial board: Professor Liu Xiaodong, East China Normal University, China

Editors-in-Chief: Professor Zhang Binxian, Beijing Normal University, China

                              Professor Yu Wei, Northeast Normal University, China

Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Associate Professor Gao Zhenyu, Hangzhou Normal University, China

Spring Issue , 2020 



Special Issues: History of Children and Childhood

1. Rediscovering Childhood: Intellectual Investigation on the Modern Child    

Hsiung Ping-chen(CIPSH Chair in New Humanities,University California, Irvine, USA

2. Friedrich Froebel: Lets Live with Children Together

Liu Xiao-dong ( East China Normal University, China)

3. The Rediscovery of Friedrich Froebel’s View on Children

Luo Yao ( Hunan Normal University, China)

4. A Group Analysis on the Child Researchers in Early Modern Republican China and Contemporary Implications

Gao Zhen-yu (Hangzhou Normal University, China)

Special Issues: Philosophy for/with Children

5. From Philosophy for Children to the Child-based Naturalistic Education

Yu Wei (Northeast Normal University, China)

6. Can Children be Real Philosophers? A Case Study on the Boy Zhou Da-guan and His Collection of Poems I Still Have One Leg

Pan Xiao-hui (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, China; Konkuk University, South Korea)

7. Philosophy for Children and the Culture Studies: An Analysis On Two Cartoons Mulan and Ne Zha

Jian Cheng-xi (Pingtung University, Taiwan, China)

8. Philosophy for Children and the Opening of Windows for Thinking about Children: An Interview with Ni Ming-xiang, Director of the Institute of Early Childhood Education, Taiwan Political University

Sun Li-li (Hangzhou Normal University, China)

9. Truth, Rationality and Metaphor: The Three Approaches of Understanding the Dialogues in Philosophy for Children

Zheng Min-xi( Fujian Normal University, China)

10. Philosophy for Children as “Lebenslehre”: A Phenomenological Perspective

Yang Yan-lu( Zhejiang Normal University, China)

11. A Life for Teaching Thinking: Review on the Life History of Matthew Lipman, the Founding Father of Philosophy for Children

Wei Caiyun ( Nanjing Normal University, China)

12. The Issue of Body and the Theoretical Construction of Children Education

Chen Le-le( Henan Normal University, China)

Special Issues: Sociology of Children

13. Casting a Net: Adolescents Power in the Internet Age

Leonard J.Waks ( Hangzhou Normal University, China; Temple University, USA)

14. Childhood in the Social Space: A Preliminary Exploration

Zheng Su-hua ( Zhejiang Normal University, China)

Special Issues: Children Literature

15. Why are Children Silenced? From the Suppression of Discipline to the Deconstruction of Entertainment

Zhu Zi-qiang ( Ocean University of China, China)

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