
Taiyan Educational Forums

Professor Hsiung Ping-chen was Invited to Attend the 31st Taiyan Educational Forum

来源 : Lincoln     作者 : Lincoln     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量55

At the morning of October 31, 2019,Hsiung Ping-chen, CIPSH chair of “New Humanities” in the University of California (Irvine), was invited to attend the 31th Taiyan Educational Forum. More than 60 teachers and students participated in this forum.

Professor Hsiung Ping-chen shared her lecture with the theme of "Discovering Childhood: Intellectual Investigation on the Modern Child”. The participant teachers and students exchanged ideas with professor Hsiung on academic issues such as how history reflects the experience of children in the past and how the methods of historical studies on child and childhood changes with time. They also put forward their own questions in the process of teaching, research and learning to discuss and communicate with professor Hsiung.


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