
Taiyan Educational Forums

Professor Zhu Ziqiang was Invited to Attend the 25th Taiyan Educational Forum

来源 : 亿校云     作者 : 亿校云     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量22

At the morning of May 10, 2019, Zhu Ziqiang, Professor Zhu Ziqiang from Ocean University of China was invited to attend the 25th Taiyan Educational Forum. More than 60 teachers and students participated in this forum.

Professor Zhu Ziqiang shared his lecture with the theme of "Educational Wisdom in Children's Literature:Centering on Picture Books" to the teachers and students from the School of Education and other schools within the university. He communicated and discussed with the participants on how to be a child, how to be a father, how to be a teacher as well as the role of different types of picture books on children's development. He had an in-depth interaction with the teachers and students on the site.


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