
Taiyan Educational Forums

Professor Pan Xiaohui was invited to 24th Taiyan Educational Forum

来源 : 亿校云     作者 : 亿校云     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量16

In the evening of May 9, 2019, Professor Pan Xiaohui, from the Department of Philosophy at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan was invited to attend the 24th Taiyan Educational Forum. More than 100 teachers and students of our school participated in this forum.

Professor Pan shared her lecture entitled "The Theory and Practice of Philosophy for Children in Taiwan" with the teachers and students of the School of Education. She leaded the teachers and students into the philosophy for children and introduced the development of philosophy for children in Taiwan. She also shared her practical experience in the exploration of P4C groups in the university camp, which can also provided experience and reference to the practice of philosophy for children in the mainland China.


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