
Taiyan Educational Forums

Professor Liu Xiaodong was Invited to Attend the 23rd Taiyan Educational Forum

来源 : 亿校云     作者 : 亿校云     时间 : 2020-04-12点击量18

At the morning of April 23,2019, Distinguished Professor Liu Xiaodong of Hangzhou Normal University was invited to give a lecture in the 31th Taiyan Educational Forum.

Professor Liu Xiaodong shared the lecture with the theme of "What is children or childhood?. Professor Liu Xiaodong believes that modern concepts and positions of child education originate from the discovery of children. Modern concept of children education evolved from its initiation to its maturity. Its evolution bases on the discovery of children's mind ,children's life and children's world. Modern system of children education also revolves around children's mind, children's lives and children's world. Professor Liu has expounded each viewpoint in detail by using lots of theories and practices. This lecture gives us a deeper understanding of childlike innocence ,hoping listeners to take this lecture as opportunity to strengthen their understanding and reflection on children and improve their academic research level constantly.


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