Justine Zhixin Su教授
苏智欣博士是加州州立大学 (北岭CSUN) 现金网 教育管理学教授兼教育改革合作中心主任,大学中国所终身荣誉所长。她从上海外语大学和加拿大多伦多大学毕业之后,在中国国家教育部从事国际教育交流与合作工作。之后她去美国华盛顿大学读研, 师从美国著名教育思想家和改革家约翰·古德莱得博士,获取教育管理博士学位。在美国学术界工作的30年里,苏博士先后在加州大学 (UCLA) 和加州州立大学(CSUN)任教,并兼任CSUN中国所所长20年(1995-2015)。她以加州大学太平洋研究中心和加州州大中国所为平台,为中国设计并举办了多种类型的长期和短期的政府, 教育, 企业, 卫生 等部门领导干部和学者的培训项目, 为促进中美合作与交流做出了巨大贡献, 荣获中国政府 “春晖奖”并两次获得美国国际荣誉学者联合会颁发的 “国际交流杰出贡献奖。”苏博士积极从事中美教育比较研究, 领导并主持了中美校长比较研究、 中美师范教育比较研究、 中美中学科学教育比较研究、 杜威对中国教育的历史影响研究,中美小学教育比较研究等项目,在美国,中国及欧洲学术杂志和书刊上发表多篇研究论文, 包括联合国教科文的《国际教育论坛》和《教育展望》,《牛津教育评论》,《比较教育》,芝加哥大学的《美国教育杂志》, 哥伦比亚大学的《教师现金网 论坛》,《教学与师范教育》,《学校领导杂志》,《美国师范教育年鉴》,《世界教育信息》,《上海社会科学报》,《新华文摘》,《教育学文摘》,《高等教育》,《中小学学校管理》,《中国教育报》,并应邀为多种国际一级学术杂志担任评审和编委。 此外,苏教授还担任了中国多所大学的荣誉教授以及台湾大学师范教育中心的国际评委。她主编的美国学校教育改革报告的译著,《一个称作学校的地方》 ,已成为中国教育学者和工作者从事教学和教改的必读参考书。2012年,中国 《世界教育信息》杂志对苏博士进行了封面人物专访,全面报道了她为中美教育交流以及教育国际化所做的贡献,专访报告还被收集在2016年出版的《教育中国梦》- 50位教育学家访谈录一书中。2019年,苏博士应邀在美国杜威研究学会以“杜威和中国”为主题(纪念杜威访华演讲100周年)的年会上做主旨发言/杜威讲座,题为“杜威与中国教育:比较的视野,”成为历史上第一位获此殊荣的中国学者。这是美国教育学术界的最高荣誉之一。
Dr. Justine Zhixin Su is professor of education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and the Lifetime Honorary Director of China Institute at California State University, Northridge. After studying in Shanghai International Studies University and University of Toronto, she began her education career in the Chinese National Ministry of Education, before obtaining her doctoral degree in educational administration from the University of Washington under the guidance of John Goodlad. She then began her academic career at California State University and University of California. In the past 30 years, she has designed and directed many exchange and collaboration programs with/for Chinese universities and received “Outstanding Contributions Award” from the American Honor Society for International Scholars, and the “Spring Light Award” from the Chinese government. Dr. Su’s research interests include comparative education, educational leadership, teacher education and school reform. She has published numerous research reports in top refereed journals and research books in the U.S., China, and Europe, including Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of School Leadership, Teachers College Record, Journal of American Education, International Review of Education, Oxford Review of Education, and ATE Teacher Education Yearbooks. She was the chief translator and editor of the Chinese version of A Place Called School by John Goodlad, published by East China Normal University Press, which has become a required reading for Chinese education scholars and a preferred reference for school teachers and administrators. Dr. Su was featured on the cover page of the Chinese Journal of World Education in 2012, and the interview article was included in China’s Education Dream: Interview with 50 Famous Education Leaders and Scholars, published by Chinese Higher Education Press in 2016. Su’s comparative education articles also appeared in the national China Education Journal, Shanghai Social Sciences Journal, and reprinted in prestigious national education journals in China. In 2019, Dr. Su delivered the prestigious keynote speech, the Dewey Lecture on “John Dewey and Chinese Education: A Comparative Perspective,” at the American John Dewey Society Annual Conference in Toronto and became the first Chinese scholar to receive such a high honor in the American and international education community.
Justine Zhixin
付淑琼:13588471202 20090042@zuqiucash.com
李国强:13646714896 20100069@zuqiucash.com
许建美:13858020107 20090111@zuqiucash.com
严从根:13606612829 yanconggen@zuqiucash.com