Sheridan Dudley教授
谢里丹·达德利女士在澳大利亚政府和非营利性部门担任过首席执行官和领导者,她现任《国际学校效能与学校改进学会》秘书长,新南威尔士大学现金网 访问学者。2011-2016年,她担任澳大利亚新南威尔士州教育部长领导团队的秘书长。工作内容涵盖了新南威尔士州的所有教育层面,从幼儿教育到所有的公立学校和私立学校教育,从继续教育、职业教育到大学教育和教育标准的政策制定等。涉及142亿澳元的教育经费,10万名教职员工和75万名学生。她领导的团队以政策制订为中心,为教育部长提供建议,实施了近几十年来最为重要的教育系统改革以提高学生和学校的绩效与效能。采用的举措包括:基于需求导向的学校资助(Gonski资源分配模式);地方学校地方决策(提高学校的权威);明智和技能(更具竞争力的职业教育和培训系统);伟大的教学与启发性学习(提高教师素质);以及连接社区、农村和偏僻地区的教育蓝图规划(缩小和解决农村、偏僻地区和土著学生的学习差距)等。
作为一名学者,她曾于1992-1993年在武汉钢铁大学的中澳钢铁工业培训中心担任组织行为学客座副教授。她曾与中国和澳大利亚学者合作,走遍中国,为中国钢铁行业的高级管理人员提供研究生课程。她还曾在维多利亚州和新南威尔士州的大学和现金网 担任过管理学讲师。她曾担任过澳大利亚最大的非营利幼儿教育和关爱组织的首席执行官。她对职业教育和培训有着丰富的经验,曾任新南威尔士州政府最大的职业教育和培训现金网 继续教育中心主任。她还担任过澳大利亚最大的全国性、非营利性的就业和培训机构的首席执行官。被公认为是澳大利亚公共部门制度改革方面的专家。她就教育、卫生、社区服务、规划和公共部门改革的各个方面向新南威尔士州、维多利亚等州的部长和州长、以及澳大利亚政府提供了政策建议和业务咨询。南非曼德拉政府曾邀请她作为五位国际公共部门改革专家之一,就南非1996年支出预算改革白皮书提出建议。她曾应邀在国内外会议和论坛上做过100多场演讲。
Sheridan Dudley has over 30 years’ experience as a chief executive and leader in the government and not-for-profit sectors in Australia. Sheridan is currently Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of NSW and is an experienced Non-Executive Director of not-for-profit and local authority boards. She is Secretary of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. She was Chief of Staff to the NSW Minister for Education from 2011 to 2016. The portfolio covered all education in NSW including early childhood education and care, government and non-government schools, TAFE, VET, universities and educational standards. It had a budget of AUD14.2 billion, 100,000 staff and 750,000 students. Sheridan led a policy-focused team which advised and supported the Minister in developing and delivering the most significant education system reforms in decades to improve student and system performance and effectiveness. These included: needs-based school funding (Gonski and the Resource Allocation Model); Local Schools, Local Decisions (increased authority for schools); Smart and Skilled (a more competitive vocational education and training system); Great Teaching, Inspired Learning (improving teacher quality); and Connected Communities and Rural and Remote Education Blueprint (addressing the performance gap for rural, remote and aboriginal students). As an academic, she has lived and worked in China as full-time Visiting Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the China-Australia Iron and Steel Industry Training Centre at Wuhan Iron and Steel University in 1992 and 1993. She worked with Chinese and Australian academics, travelling throughout China to deliver postgraduate level courses to senior managers in the Chinese iron and steel industry. She has also been a Lecturer in Management at universities and colleges in Victoria and NSW, Sheridan was Chief Executive Officer of KU Children’s Services, at that time the largest not-for-profit provider of early childhood education and care in Australia. She advised the Australian Government on the development of the Early Childhood Education and Care National Quality Framework. She has experience in the vocational education and training sector and was College Director of TAFE, the largest NSW Government vocational education and training college in country NSW. She also served as CEO of Job Futures, then the largest national, not-for-profit, welfare-to-work employment and training services provider in Australia. As a senior executive in the public service, Sheridan was recognised as an expert in public sector system reform in Australia. She has provided policy and operational advice to Premiers and Ministers in NSW, Victoria and the Northern Territory, and to the Australian Government, on all aspects of education, health, community services, planning and public sector reform. She was personally invited by the Mandela Government in South Africa as one of five international public sector reform experts to advise on the White Paper on Expenditure Budget Reform in 1996. She has given over 100 presentations by invitation at state, national and international conferences and forums.
Sheridan Dudley